Save the date! Our next chapter meeting is March 5 12:15-1:3pm. All meetings will be hybrid, in Powdermaker 132 and on Zoom.
Author: Annie Tummino
Tell Queens Admin: We Have a Right to Demonstrate!
The Queens College administration is attempting to implement a new policy on public demonstrations that is arbitrarily and needlessly restrictive, and infringes on our constitutional rights to free speech as students, faculty, staff and as citizens. Sign the letter to resist this unfair policy!
FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
Virtual teach-in to learn more about your rights under the Henderson Rules, what QC is trying to change, and how you are part of a decades-long organizing and protest tradition at Queens College. Register to get the teach-in link.
Rally and march on the QC campus – Gather at the main entrance of Kiely Hall (facing Kissena Blvd). We won’t be silenced! QC admin loves to honor activists from the past like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Andrew Goodman–the Queens College student and civil rights activist who was murdered in Mississippi in 1964–while shutting down the right to protest on campus today.

Contract Information/Listening Sessions
Dear Colleagues,
By now most of you have heard about the Memorandum of Agreement with CUNY for the 2023-2027 PSC-CUNY contract. A good number of us have already voted on the ratification of the contract. Voting ends on January 10th 2025.
Since the zoom sessions by James Davis and the bargaining team for the PSC were held during grading season, some of you may have missed them and/or still have questions.
Members of the QC PSC Executive Committee will hold information/listening sessions via zoom on Monday, Dec. 30th and Wed., Jan. 8th from 12pm to 2pm. We will do our best to address your questions and concerns.
Meeting ID: 821 0974 2085
Passcode: 584236
QC PSC Chapter Executive Committee
February 5 Chapter Meeting
Save the date! Our next chapter meeting is Feb 5 12:15-1:3pm. All meetings will be hybrid, in Powdermaker 132 and on Zoom.
Contract Vote!
December 20, 2024
The PSC Delegate Assembly voted last night to bring the proposed 2023-2027 contract to membership for ratification.
Check the PSC website for more information about the contract and voting process.
November 20 Chapter Meeting
Our next chapter meeting is on Wednesday, November 20, 12:15- 1:30 pm in Powdermaker 132 and on Zoom here. Pizza will be served for all in person!
PSC President James Davis is our special guest speaker! Learn about contract updates, how we will escalate our campaign for a fair contract, and more.
October 23 Chapter Meeting
Our next chapter meeting is on October 23 from 12:15- 1:30 pm and on Zoom here. Pizza will be served for all in person!
Penny Lewis – PSC Vice President for Senior Colleges – is our special guest speaker. Learn about contract updates, how we will escalate our campaign for a fair contract, and more.