
The Committee on Legislation is a standing committee of the PSC’s Executive Council responsible for organizing members to participate in the union’s legislative and political action campaigns. 

The committee meets monthly during the academic year; meetings are open to all members. (Typically the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm. See the PSC website for more information and confirm dates and RSVP on the PSC Calendar.)

The committee organizes opportunities for members to address elected officials about their jobs, pay and working conditions and the adequacy of CUNY’s  budget, current legislative initiatives including progressive taxation and the New Deal for CUNY.

To join the committee’s work contact Tiffany Brown ([email protected]). Queens College’s Legislative Committee Rep is Hillary Miller.


Your regular union member dues don’t fund political campaigns. PSC/CUNY COPE contributions are voluntary; they enable the PSC to flex its political and legislative muscle. 

These funds may be used to:

a) fund advocacy work on campaigns like the New Deal for CUNY

b) support and hold accountable political candidates who fight for CUNY and for worker protections

c) support organizations who fight alongside us for CUNY funding 

d) stipend members to do political work for the union

PSC victories achieved because of COPE:

Stopped Gov. Cuomo’s half-billion-dollar cut to CUNY in 2016 and helped secure stable City funding for adjunct health insurance.

Successfully fought back against 2021 proposed state cuts, and even brought new money into the system, both for senior and community colleges.

In 2021, PSC-endorsed, VOTE COPE-supported candidates won 26 city races, including Public Advocate and Comptroller. As a result, the 2022 city council had substantial knowledge of CUNY and our issues, and some members are strong CUNY champions.

In 2022, we closed the TAP gap and secured 500 more faculty lines!

PSC members on CUNY payroll can sign up for regular payroll deductions. You can contribute at any level you select.

You’ll find links to the forms you need on the PSC’s website at www.psc-cuny.org/cope

Any PSC members can also contribute by a check payable to PSC/CUNY COPE mailed to the PSC offices:


25 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10004

Source: Liz Stevenson & PSC’s website, www.psc-cuny.org/cope